Carbon Signal is organized around three different levels of information: Teams, Portfolios, and Buildings. Teams allow groups of individuals to collaborate on the platform. Each Team contains a set of Portfolios, which allow finer grain access to information and provide a way of organizing data on Carbon Signal. Finally, each Portfolio contains a set of Buildings.


You can switch Teams with the team dropdown. If you’re a Team Admin or Owner, you can also access Team settings. For more information on Team management, see the section Permissions.
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You can access the Portfolios page by clicking on the logo in the top left corner of the app. Once you’re on this page, you can create, edit, or delete your Portfolios. Within Portfolios, there is a page for Building Data, Model Results, and Scenarios. The Using Portfolios help document includes more information on using Portfolios.
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The Building Data page acts as a repository for the baseline information about each building. This is where you can go to find information about the baseline energy use, emissions, and building calibrations. To view the building details, click on a row in the data table, which will open the slide out panel. To see the impact of each decarbonization strategy, go to the Model Results page.
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